Electric Drives Lab

Associated Faculty & Staff

Dr. Viju Nair R
Mr. Kollu Homprakash

Location: Room No. 106, I Floor, Academic Building-1.

About the Lab:

The Electrical Drives Lab is primarily a research lab for conducting experiments associated with the institute's core course of “Electrical Drives”. The lab also caters the needs of undergraduate, master and doctoral students in the area associated with Electrical Drives.
This lab is equipped with all the high end instruments for research work to be carried in the field of power electronics applications particularly in EV Charging, renewable energy integration and high power density and efficient resonant converters. This lab also facilitates research on motor drives applications and several machines are under procurement.

Equipment(s) Available:

The key equipment in this lab are:

♦ Bi Directional DC Power Source
♦ High Frequency current sensors and Current monitors
♦ Various ratings and configurations of 3 Phase and Single Auto Transformers
♦ Multi channel Isolated and Non-Isolated scopes
♦ High value performance power supplies
♦ Multi leg and Multi Level variants of Inverters and Rectifiers
♦ Various variants of Programmable Power supplies
♦ Various configurations of Machine assembly units along with drive
♦ Precision Workstations
♦ Resistor banks
♦ Various variants of DSP Development Boards
♦ Various Sensor Cards with one channel voltage and Four Channel Current Sensing
♦ Grid side and High Frequency filters
♦ Miscellaneous items like Tachometers, Fluke DMMs, Soldering units and some associated equipment tools and connectors.

Standalone Three-Phase AFEC

Standalone Resonant Converter

Cascaded System Hardware Setup

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