Professor and Dean (Student Affairs)

Dr. N N Murty

Education: Ph.D. IIT, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India
Areas of Interest: Defect identification and characterization in
semiconductors (Diamond, SiC)
Tell (O): 0877 2503 256
Email Id:

Education: Ph.D. IIT, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India
Areas of Interest: Defect identification and characterization in
semiconductors (Diamond, SiC)
Tell (O): 0877 2503 256
Email Id:

◘ Defect identification and characterization in semiconductors (Diamond, SiC)
◘ Reliability of Semiconductor Devices
◘ Thin-film sensors
◘ Sensors for harsh environments 

◘ P. Vigneswara Raja, Jamil Akhtar, C.V.S.Rao, Sudhirsinh Vala, Mitul Abhangi, and N V L Narasimha Murty, "      Spectroscopic performance studies of 4H-SiC detectors for fusion alpha-particle diagnostics, " Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, Vol. 869, pp. 118-127, 2017.
◘ P. Vigneswara Raja, Jamil Akhtar, Sudhirsinh Vala, Mitul Abhangi, and N V L Narasimha Murty, " Performance of epitaxial and HPSI 4H-SiC detectors for plasma x-ray imaging systems, " Journal of Instrumentation, Vol.12, pp. P08006(1)-P08006(16), 2017.
◘ P. Vigneswara Raja and N V L Narasimha Murty, " Electrically active defects in neutron and gamma irradiated HPSI 4H-SiC x-ray detectors investigated by ZB-TSC technique," IEEE Trans. Nuclear Science, Vol.64, Issue 99, 2017.
◘ P Vigneswara Raja, C.V.S.Rao and N.V.L Narasimha Murty, " Numerical Simulation of 60C-gamma irradiation effects on electrical characteristics of n-type FZ silicon x-ray detectors, " Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, Vol.379, pp. 23-27, 2016.
◘ M. Hemalata Rao, N.V.L.Narasimha Murty," An Improved Analytical Model of 4H-SiC MESFET Incorporating Bulk and Interface Trapping Effects," Journal of Semiconductors, Vol.36, p.014004, 2015.

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